Susan Jenkins Hoyle, PT
Susan Jenkins Hoyle, PT, is the owner of Integrative Physical Therapy, Inc. Susan has been practicing as a physical therapist in Mississippi and the Mid-South area for 37 years and is an expert Myofascial Release Therapist. She received extensive training in Myofascial Release from internationally recognized author and authority, John F. Barnes PT, and has specialized exclusively in his approach since 2001. She has been passionate about Myofascial Release from the moment she was introduced to it.
Witnessing incredible results from Myofascial Release and recognizing a tremendous need for this holistic treatment approach, Susan established her practice in 2002. Her passion is to provide patients what they deserve, quality and customized 1-on-1 care, and a unique therapeutic healing opportunity for those searching for a permanent solution to pain and dysfunction.
Susan suffered with significant back problems in her 40’s that side-lined her from her favorite activities and sports. She has dealt with the same issues, limitations, fears and concerns many of you have. She has personally experienced the life-changing healing benefits from Myofascial Release and sympathizes with those suffering with pain and dysfunction. Susan has the trusted knowledge and understanding of the human body and the training to help get to the root cause of your problem and facilitate the healing process. She is dedicated to guiding you in your personal healing journey. Her ultimate goal is in helping you return to an active pain-free lifestyle, enjoying the things you love and value the most.
Susan enjoys spending time with her family. She has played sports her entire life and continues to play tennis when time allows. She loves horses, being outdoors, staying active and especially loving on her grandchildren. She also believes good nutrition and consistent self care is a critical addition to being healthy and well.